Saturday, April 2, 2011


Starbucks deserves its own post. Despite its popularity, I've never liked their brewed coffee very much; but they win when it comes to espresso and blended beverages. Their mocha frappuchinos? Delicious. Their caramel lattes? Good. Their cafe mistos? Nice, and not as pricy. Their cafe americano is possibly my favorite. But their pike roast or their bold pick of the day (which always tastes the same to me) is barely tolerable unless you add some flavor to it. Money-saving tips when going to Starbucks:

  1. If you're a frequent Starbucks consumer, get a Starbucks card here. This will eliminate any extra charges you get on syrups and types of milk and even give you a free beverage on your birthday. There are different reward levels you can reach - the higher level you get (the more you use the card), the more rewards you'll get and the less money you'll spend.

  2. Instead of opting for the most expensive drink on the menu, try finding a similar drink that you can put a flavored syrup/sauce in. The cafe misto with caramel saves you at least 1.50 and has more of a flavor than a regular caramel latte.

  3. Almost every beverage is avaliable in iced form even if it's not explicitly said in the menu. Instead of going for the frappuchino all the time, why not ice a flavored coffee or latte? Save just a bit every day and it makes a difference.

Health-sustaining tips when going to Starbucks:

1. Skip the Whipped cream if you can. It adds almost 100 extra calories to your customized beverage.

2. Choose their fat-free syrups like hazelnut or french vanilla. They also have fat-free caramel.

3. Use skim milk or whole milk. Try to avoid half and half.

4. Choose their low-fat muffins and pastries. They taste delicious but have fewer calories.

Happy Caffeinating!

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